Local Resolution Process

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Local Senates

Whereas the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges utilizes the resolution process at the state level to adopt Academic Senate positions on vital issues, and

Whereas the resolution process is utilized by geoclusters and area meetings to generate positions on issues, and

Whereas local senate leaders are expected to understand and write resolutions during state meetings, and

Whereas many local senate leaders encounter the resolution process for the first time at the geocluster and area meetings, and

Whereas the resolution process is a proven successful method of tracking vital issues in the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges urge local academic senates to adopt a resolution process to track positions taken by local senates on vital issues, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges direct the Executive Committee to provide local senates with the necessary instruction, support, and methods for establishing a resolution process at the local senate level.
M/S/C DISPOSITION: Local senates, Executive Committee