Master Plan

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Consultation with the California Community College Chancellor's Office
Status Report

The Master Plan Committee for Higher Education has released its second draft of the Master Plan.The Senate has responded to the second draft. Ongoing.The President and Consultation Council representatives will continue to monitor legislation generated by the Master Plan for Education to K-12 University.

Whereas, The staff of the Joint Committee to Develop a Master Plan-Kindergarten through University has given the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges a seat on only one of its seven working groups, and this in spite of promises from the staff of a seat on every group and repeated petitions by two successive Academic Senate presidents;

Whereas, The Chancellor's Office has a seat on each of the working groups of the Joint Committee to Develop a Master Plan; and

Whereas, The working groups of the Joint Committee to Develop a Master Plan often deal with academic and professional matters with reference to the community colleges;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate require the Chancellor's Office to comply with the Board of Governors' Standing Orders regarding primary reliance on the Academic Senate in academic and professional matters;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate insist that the Chancellor's Office confer with the Academic Senate whenever the working groups of the Joint Committee to Develop a Master Plan are deliberating on academic and professional matters related to the community colleges;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate insist that the Chancellor's Office confer with the Academic Senate and include the Academic Senate perspective whenever Chancellor's Office representatives make presentations to the working groups of the Joint Committee to Develop a Master Plan; and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate insist that the Chancellor's Office see that Academic Senate representatives who attend meetings of the working groups of the Joint Committee to Develop a Master Plan are afforded opportunities to speak.