Master Plan

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Budget and Finance
Status Report

The president and senate representatives continue to push for equal funding for California community colleges. The Academic Senate has called the attention of a number of the Master Plan workgroups to the 1989 document.

Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges has adopted Resolution 6.08 F00 calling for California community colleges to be recognized as equal partners in California's system of postsecondary education, and recommending that California community colleges be funded at a level at least equal to that of the other public postsecondary segments;

Whereas, A review of California's Master Plan for Higher Education, published by a Joint Committee of the Legislature in 1989, entitled "California's Faces... California's Future: Education for Citizenship in a Multicultural Democracy," explicitly acknowledges the inequitable funding accorded the community colleges, and recommends this inequity be remedied by increasing their funding to a level commensurate with that of the public four-year colleges and universities; and

Whereas, The current Joint Committee to Develop a Master Plan for Education - Kindergarten through University has ignored the funding inequities among our public postsecondary systems;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate reaffirm its commitment to achieving equitable funding for the California community colleges, as expressed in Resolution 6.08 F00; and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate urge the Legislative Joint Committee to Develop a Master Plan for Education - Kindergarten through University to adopt, as a model of its own efforts, the 1989 document, "California Faces California's Future: Education for Citizenship in a Multicultural Democracy."