Master Plan Planning Guide (Document Available in Senate Office)

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Library and Learning Resources

Whereas there continues to be limited consideration of faculty input into the Chancellor's Office document Master Plan Planning Guide: Library and Learning Resources Program-Draft June 1994, and

Whereas the document's failure to describe the primary instructional role of library and learning resources faculty is a major content deficiency, and

Whereas faculty derive their authority in collegial governance issues from AB 1725 which recognizes them as subject matter experts and thus any document prepared without their substantive input will lack insight from the discipline, and

Whereas recommendations made for improving the document in Resolution 15.1, S94 have not been incorporated in the most recent draft of the document,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges recommend to the Chancellor that he proceed no further with the Master Plan Planning Guide: Library and Learning Resources Program draft until a writing task force is established whose membership includes, but is not limited to, faculty appointed by the Academic Senate and Council of Chief Librarians, and that the task assigned to the group is to rewrite the document to include the needs and concerns identified by the field.
M/S/U Disposition: Chancellor's Office. Executive Committee. CA Library Association, Council of Chief Librarians