Matriculation Site Visits: Faculty Appointments

Resolution Number
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Status Report

The prerequisite portion of the matriculation site visits was reinstated effective with the 18.02 F95 fall of 1996. A faculty member was added to each team, appointed by the Academic Senate in consultation with the Chancellor's Office. The Academic Senate both provided leadership in the general training for site visit teams and provided separate training sessions for the faculty members with the responsibility for reviewing prerequisites. All site visits were conducted with a senate-appointed faculty member reviewing prerequisites.

Whereas matriculation is included in the academic and professional matters [Title 5 Sec. 53200 (c)5]Standards and Policies related to student success and the revised consultation process indicates the Board's commitment to rely primarily upon the advice of the Academic Senate on academic and professional matters, and

Whereas the matriculation site visit teams have never included faculty appointed to represent the collective wisdom of the faculty in the system but have included faculty representing their individual perspective and who also have been chosen to participate by administrator recommendation, Chancellor's Office staff recommendation, and/or self-recommendation,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges urge the Chancellor to place faculty on the matriculation site visit teams as appointed by the Academic Senate after collaboration with the Chancellor's Office staff on the necessary expertise, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges reaffirm Resolution 11.2 F92 which urges that the Academic Senate appoint the faculty to the matriculation site visit teams, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges urge the Chancellor's Office to work collaboratively with the Academic Senate and respect the right of the Academic Senate to appoint faculty to committees.
M/S/U Disposition: Chancellor's Office