Matriculation Site Visits: Prerequisites

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Status Report

The prerequisite portion of the matriculation site visits was reinstated effective with the 18.02 F95 fall of 1996. A faculty member was added to each team, appointed by the Academic Senate in consultation with the Chancellor's Office. The Academic Senate both provided leadership in the general training for site visit teams and provided separate training sessions for the faculty members with the responsibility for reviewing prerequisites. All site visits were conducted with a senate-appointed faculty member reviewing prerequisites.

Whereas prerequisite development, validation, and student information processes are part of the Matriculation Act and Plans and the Chancellor's Office has decided to eliminate the review of the prerequisites from the site visit and has transferred that responsibility to another division to be done outside the context of the site visit, and

Whereas the site visits have been established as an integral part of accountability and the removal of the prerequisites from the site visits leaves a crucial aspect of matters related to student success unaccountable to the public and professional concerns about access and standards, and

Whereas the Chancellor's Office has cited the rationale as being the absence of expertise on the site visiting teams,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges urge the Chancellor to reinstate the inclusion of the review of the prerequisite process in the matriculation site visits, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges urge the Chancellor's Office to seek from the Academic Senate faculty appointees with the appropriate expertise, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges urge the Chancellor's Office to consult with the Academic Senate before making further unilateral decisions related to the accountability mechanism for the matriculation site visits.
M/S/C Disposition: Chancellor's Office, Executive Committee