Modification to the Requirements of the Board of Governors Fee Waiver

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Consultation with the California Community College Chancellor's Office
Status Report

BoG Fee Waiver eligibility standards were revised.  This is pretty much done.

Whereas, One of the largest expenditures of public funds to the California Community College System is the fee waiver granted by the Board of Governors (BOG) for students meeting specific criteria;

Whereas, Financial aid eligibility is commonly conditional upon satisfactory progress toward academic goals, but the BOG waiver does not currently require satisfactory progress;

Whereas, Recent proposals would remove the BOG waiver eligibility for students who accumulate more than a certain number of units or have a GPA below a certain level; and

Whereas, CCLC’s message “A Defining Moment” includes data indicating that 33% of BOG waiver students have less than a 2.0 grade point average and 38% fail to complete one-third of the units they undertake;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges affirm the importance and value of the BOG waiver in promoting student access and student equity to our colleges; and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges work with the Chancellor’s Office to define appropriate conditions, including considerations of impact on equity and access that would allow students with financial need to continue receiving a BOG fee waiver that would be based on satisfactory progress toward academic goals.