Oppose CPEC Proposal Regarding Student Fees (See Appendix C)

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Students Preparation and Success

Whereas the high school class of 2000 is expected to be the largest graduating class in the history of the State of California, and

Whereas the economic and civic well-being of California is dependent upon an equitably educated citizenry, and

Whereas increases in fees have proven to reduce access to higher education so that 67 percent of community college students already quali1~ for financial aid, and

Whereas the California Postsecondary Education Commission (CPEC). in its work on student fees at UC and CSU has identified an appropriate relationship between a fee level and the percentage of students requiring financial aid at that level (50 percent of UC students require financial aid with the fee level set at 40 percent of the cost of instruction and 50 percent of CSU students require financial aid with the fee level set at 30 percent of the cost of instruction).

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges oppose the CPEC staff proposal that California community college students pay 20 percent of the cost of instruction (currently $22 per unit).
M/S/U Disposition: Board of Governors, Chancellor's Office. Executive Committee, FACCC. Legislature. CPEC