Opposition to Proposed Modification of the Community College Mission

Resolution Number
Assigned to
State and Legislative Issues
Status Report

While the bill did not pass the 2009 - 10 Legislative session, the Senate continues to advocate for principles noted within this resolution during each budget cycle.

Whereas, A memo dated January 22, 2010 with the subject “Avocational, Recreational, and Personal Development Courses … Some Suggestions” was distributed by the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office and sought to offer guidance to colleges seeking to comply with language in the 2009-2010 Budget Act, directing that community colleges, to “the greatest extent possible, shall implement any necessary workload reductions in areas other than basic skills, workforce training, and transfer”;

Whereas, At a time when California community colleges are being asked to focus on select components of their mission, proposed legislation (AB 2400, March 2010, Anderson) is attempting to expand the mission of the California community colleges by authorizing selected districts to offer baccalaureate degrees in specific areas;

Whereas, The current funding cuts have resulted in dramatic decreases in course offerings, while demand for California community college courses is great, thus rendering the colleges less able to fulfill their existing mission, even when focusing on the three areas identified in the 2009-2010 Budget Act; and

Whereas, Expanding the mission of the California community colleges would place an undue burden on a system that is already under-funded and unable to perform its current statutory missions as fully and efficiently as would be desirable;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges oppose any expansion of the California community college mission as proposed in AB 2400 (Anderson, March 2010); and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges assist local senates in educating the Legislature and the general public about the impact of budget cuts more generally and the impact of expanding its mission specifically.

MSC Disposition: Local Senates, Consultation Council