Paid Reassigned Time for Faculty Representatives

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Academic Senate
Status Report

In Spring 2003 the Board of Governors approved a Title 5 change guaranteeing reassigned time at the part-time rate to the President and the Vice President of the Senate. This requirement is now law.

Whereas, Some community college districts have denied or threaten to deny elected officers of the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges or faculty representatives to the Board of Governors paid reassigned time to fulfill their official duties;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate urge the Chancellor's Office and the Board of Governors to require that local districts grant reassigned time as requested at the established rate to faculty representatives to the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate and to faculty appointees to the Board of Governors in order for them to carry out their duties and responsibilities assigned to them in state law. MSC Disposition: Board of Governors, Chancellor's Office, Local Senates