Part-time Faculty Participation on the Executive Committee

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Academic Senate

Resolved that the Academic Senate direct the Executive Committee to develop a program to address and rectify the lack of academic equity for part-time faculty. This program will involve:
1. Research and the collection of data in an effort to determine the best practices for integrating part-time faculty into local institutional processes and to determine which California community colleges door do not employ those practices;
2. Development of a proactive program, similar to the Technical Assistance program, whereby Academic Senate representatives assist local senates in their efforts to implement these best practices;
3. Development of a proactive program for integrating part-time faculty into the statewide Academic Senate, which may include but not be limited to establishing a part-time faculty liaison to the Executive Committee from a statewide representative part-time faculty association; and
4. Implementation of those measures recommended in the paper "Participation of Part-time Faculty on the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate"; and

Resolved that the Academic Senate direct the Executive Committee to submit its program and a progress report to the 1999 Spring Plenary Session.