Placement of Courses Within Disciplines

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Standards and Practices Committee
Disciplines List
Status Report

The Committee completed the paper Qualifications for Faculty Service in the California Community Colleges: "Minimum Qualifications," Placement of Courses Within Disciplines, and Faculty Service Areas. This paper revises the paper Placement of Courses Within Disciplines (Sp 1994) and also expands its subject matter to include the other qualifications for faculty to teach and perform other services at their colleges. This paper was adopted at the spring session.

Whereas, The paper Placement of Courses Within Disciplines was adopted in 1994 and has not been updated in seven years; and

Whereas, The paper Equivalencies to the Minimum Qualifications addresses only briefly the subject of placement of courses within disciplines as it relates to minimum qualifications, and this subject requires a more extended discussion of policies and practices;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate review and revise as needed the paper Placement of Courses Within Disciplines.