Postponement of 80% Resolutions

Resolution Number
Assigned to
General Concerns

Whereas, The Academic Senate was directed by the body to research the issue of the 80% proposal;

Whereas, The Academic Senate presented a roundtable and breakout session at the Spring 2006 Plenary for the purpose of educating the body on the 80% proposal; and

Whereas, It is necessary for faculty to take the information and knowledge from these discussions back to their peers in their districts and colleges in order to best represent their constituents;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges postpone all resolutions pertaining to the 80% proposal until the Fall 2006 Plenary Session.
Ruled out of Order
The following nonurgent resolution from last fall was pulled by the author and not discussed at the 2006 Spring Plenary Session.
Proposed Revisions to Title 5 Regulations to Tutoring
Phillip Maynard, Mt. San Antonio College

Whereas, Under Education Code Section 66010.1 - 66010.8 the primary mission of the community colleges is to offer academic and vocational education at the lower division level for both recent high school graduates and those returning to school, essential and important functions of the college include basic skills instruction, providing English as a second language, adult non-credit instruction, and providing support services that help students to succeed. The System Office proposed revision to the Education Code Section 58170(e) severely restricting student access to necessary support services;

Whereas, Many community college students come from first generation college and low income backgrounds, accounting for their underpreparedness for college work and the lack of finesse at accessing support services; and

Whereas, Many community college students place into pre-collegiate level mathematics, writing and reading courses, "and the provision requiring students to obtain referral from an instructor or counselor before they may register for tutoring severely limits student access and acts as a barrier to student success;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges recommend the removal of the referral provision of Education Code Section 58170(e) so that it reads "students enrolled in a supervised tutoring course through registration procedures established pursuant to Section 58108."