Process for Recommending Changes to Title 5 Regulations

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Standards and Practices Committee
Academic Senate
Develop a process to be considered for adoption at a future plenary session that details a procedure for review and recommendation of proposed changes to Title 5 regulations.
Status Report

A process was proposed and not adopted (S08 1.03). Executive Committee directed the Resolutions Committee to insert language into the Resolutions Guide that addresses the issues and concerns that occur when resolutions seek to change Title 5.

Whereas, Recommending changes to Title 5 Regulations is significant and affects all colleges within the State; and

Whereas, Local senates need time to fully absorb the impact of recommended changes to programs, faculty, and students;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges develop a process to be considered for adoption at a future plenary session that details a procedure for review and recommendation of proposed changes to Title 5 regulations.
MSC Disposition: Local Senates