Reaffirmation of Resolution on Department of Finance Interference

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Budget and Finance
Status Report

The Board of Governors made this a priority and by Spring 2003 there was a bill in the Legislature supporting the Board of Governors' position. Current discussions regarding SB6 further this effort.

Whereas, The Academic Senate for the California Community Colleges has adopted resolutions regarding the inappropriate actions of the Department of Finance that "establish, block or change" systemwide decisions regarding academic and professional matters;

Whereas, The Department of Finance has recently ruled that the Board of Governors' effort to pass an information competency graduation requirement would present an unfunded mandate to colleges and districts, thereby obstructing the will of faculty and the California Community College System to act in the best interests of our students; and

Whereas, This requirement for review of system regulations effectively means that the system cannot change or update its graduation requirements;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate reaffirm Resolution 6.01 F01 stating that the Academic Senate "seek legal clarification and a legislative solution to the interference by the Department of Finance in the establishment of system policy and prepare a short analysis and critique to publicize this newest concern"; and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate call upon the Board of Governors and the Chancellor's Office to provide leadership in addressing the legal requirement that system regulations be reviewed by the Department of Finance.
MSC Disposition: Board of Governors, Chancellor's Office, Local Senates