Reauthorization of Perkins

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Career Technical Education
Status Report

Ongoing. Message sent with Board of Governors and CCCT representatives traveling to Washington, DC to meet with California Congressional members. ASCCC continued to advocate when opportunities arose.

Whereas, The Carl Perkins Vocational Technical Education Act (Perkins) is presently being rewritten;

Whereas, The Bush Administration continues to claim that the current Perkins legislation is not effective and has recommended that Perkins be replaced by other initiatives that would redirect funding from vocational education programs and possibly lead to their demise;

Whereas, Perkins funds support critical vocational programs that are essential to students' attaining success in their chosen career goals; and

Whereas, The financial crisis in California has eliminated all funding for equipment and professional development in most community colleges;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges continue to aggressively support the intent of the Carl Perkins Vocational Technical Education Act;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges urge federal legislators to recognize the significance of Perkins funds and commit to their continuance; and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges urge the Chancellor's Office, all vocational faculty and other groups to contact members of Congress to support reauthorization and keep the current configuration of Perkins funding.