Referrals from the County Department of Social Services

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Financial Aid
Status Report

The Academic Senate has positively contributed to discussions resulting in changes to rules for CalWORKS recipients such that there is much stronger connection to community colleges.

Whereas colleges have prepared to serve CalWORKs participants by developing curriculum and programs, increasing the availability of direct student support services and establishing partnerships for internships/work-study opportunities, and

Whereas many agencies have a work-first philosophy that encourages low wage unsustainable work situations over educational opportunity, resulting in low numbers of participant referrals to colleges, and

Whereas the lack of referrals of CalWORKs participants to community colleges exacerbates the economic inequality in California,

Resolved that the Academic Senate recognize the social consequences of economic inequality and the role for California community colleges in providing opportunity and access to a fair society, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate urge the Department of Social Services to reorient its philosophy to one of opportunity through education, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community College urge the Department of Social Services and the Chancellor's Office to work together to increase the number of participants referred to community colleges for education that will lead to opportunities to earn a meaningful wage and contribute to a democratic society.