Regional Curriculum Colloquia

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Status Report

Due to lack of funding and not securing a grant, it was not possible to sponsor and hold regional colloquia.

Whereas faculty are the key component in curriculum processes, and

Whereas faculty need accurate information about curriculum processes in order to assure that students are well served in their goals of articulation, transfer, and completion of programs in a timely manner, and

Whereas regional curriculum colloquia have provided essential information and training for curriculum committee chairs and committee members, but such colloquia have been discontinued because of lack of Chancellor's Office funding,

Resolved that the Academic Senate urge the Chancellor's Office to provide funding for the resumption of regional curriculum colloquia, in order to ensure training for curriculum committee chairs and committee members so that they may deal appropriately with delegated authority for local approval of courses and programs, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate urge the Chancellor's Office to provide the necessary funding to support technical assistance to colleges in the area of curriculum.