Remove the Office of Past President from the Executive Committee

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Executive Director
Academic Senate
Status Report

Bylaws changes have been made and posted on the website

Whereas, The Academic Senate is a mature organization that has developed structural mechanisms to ensure continuity and fidelity to its principles and that mentors its leaders through service on standing committees and the Executive Committee;

Whereas, There exists substantial occasion for conflict between new presidents of the Academic Senate and the immediate past president when the latter is retained as an officer of the Executive Committee, and such conflict, when it occurs, impedes the new president and the Executive Committee in the effective execution of the work of the Academic Senate as specified in resolutions of the plenary body; and

Whereas, An immediate past president would still be able to serve the Academic Senate at the behest of the president;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges remove the office of past president from the Academic Senate Executive Committee and revise the Academic Senate Bylaws accordingly.