Resolution Honoring Rich Hansen

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Academic Senate for California Community Colleges
Proposer Contact
Foothill-DeAnza District Academic Senate, Area B

Whereas, Rich Hansen ably served the California Community Colleges for more than two decades as a faculty member in the De Anza mathematics department, the president of the Foothill-De Anza Faculty Association, and the president and treasurer of the Faculty Association of California Community Colleges;
Whereas, Rich Hansen was first and foremost an advocate of students, always reminding those who worked with him that students must be at the center of everything we do;

Whereas, Rich Hansen represented faculty with distinction alongside Academic Senate for California Community Colleges representatives on the Student Success Task Force as well as all three California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office Accreditation Task Forces;

Whereas, Rich Hansen is a team player whose calm and logical reasoning style won the respect of his colleagues as well as a wide range of other constituents involved in state level policy-making; and

Whereas, The fact that Rich Hansen taught mathematics did not cancel out the fact that his undergraduate degree was in history, and he always had historical perspective in mind, leading to his work on the ASCCC History Project as well as his willingness to work on the Accreditation History Project;
Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges thank Rich Hansen for his leadership, service, and contributions to the California Community College system and to the field; and
Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges wish Rich Hansen a negotiation-free retirement.
