Restoration of State Matriculation Funding

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Budget and Finance
Status Report

This was a System priority in negotiations with the Legislature, and the System succeeded in protecting existing funding. Ongoing priority in Consultation for full restoration in 04-05 Budget.

Whereas, Matriculation is a process designed to assure that all students who seek a community college education are accurately assessed, provided with appropriate courses, and afforded professional counseling and other support services to help them succeed;

Whereas, Matriculation has proven to be effective in helping students achieve their educational goals;

Whereas, The present state community college budget has severely cut funding for matriculation services to well below levels of sustainability, leaving colleges the choice of eliminating matriculation services or shifting dwindling funds from other programs and services important to student success; and

Whereas, Matriculation funds must be restored to help California community colleges offer all students an opportunity for a postsecondary education;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate reaffirm resolution 5.05 S02 to "work with the Chancellor's Office to restore all state matriculation funding" and to work with other groups on means by which to advocate effectively for restoration of these funds.
MSC Disposition: Chancellor's Office, Local Senates