Restoration of State Professional Development Funds

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Budget and Finance
Status Report

Academic Senate representatives have supported the excellent work of the 4CSD group, but professional development funding has yet to be restored.

Whereas, New techniques, new knowledge, and a student body whose diverse needs often change in a relatively short time require faculty to develop new skills and gain knowledge in their respective disciplines as well as training in teaching techniques in order to remain effective;

Whereas, California community college districts must meet higher operating costs and provide for unfunded growth, thus leaving few discretionary dollars to fund professional development for faculty; and

Whereas, California community college students deserve faculty members who are amply prepared to meet their educational needs and who have the opportunity to constantly upgrade their knowledge and teaching skills;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate reaffirm resolution 5.03 S02 that calls for us to "communicate in all appropriate venues" the seriousness of the funding cuts to faculty professional development and work to have this funding restored;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate emphasize the fact that professional development is essential to maintaining a strong community college faculty who can provide the learning opportunities that community college students deserve, and therefore insist on the restoration of professional development funding support from the state;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate strongly urge the Chancellor's Office to take the lead in educating the Board of Governors, Legislators, and the Governor about the critical loss of and immediate need to restore Staff Development funds in the2003-04 budget; and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate support local senates in asserting that faculty professional development is an academic and professional matter and that decisions and allocations regarding faculty development are to be established in accordance with agreed upon policies and procedures, regardless of the source of funding.
MSC Disposition: Board of Governors, Chancellor's Office, Local Senates