Restore Categorical Funding

Resolution Number
Assigned to
State and Legislative Issues
Status Report

The Senate continues to advocated for restoration of categorical funds during every budget cycle.

Whereas, Categorical programs support students who are underserved, are disadvantaged economically, educationally and by language, and often are the first generation to attend college;

Whereas, Many programs such as Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS), Disabled Student Programs and Services (DSPS), and CalWORKs have been extraordinarily successful as widely acknowledged by state educators and legislators;

Whereas, Categorical monies were intended to be reserved to fund categorical programs in ways mandated by Title 5; and

Whereas, There have been recent severe statewide cuts to categorical programs, resulting in an approximate 40% reduction in services;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges strongly urge the Legislature to restore categorical funding to at least its 2007-08 levels; and

Resolved, That Academic Senate for California Community Colleges affirm that current categorical funds should be used exclusively for specified categorical programs.

MSC Disposition: Local Senates, Chancellor’s Office, Consultation Council