Revise Paper Equivalency to the Minimum Qualifications (Spring 1999)

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Standards and Practices Committee
Disciplines List
Status Report

The report was presented at the F 04 plenary session. The Committee determined that it should include this infor-mation along with the legal opinion re: single-course equivalency in a revision of the 1996 equivalency paper. Some work has been done on this rewrite.

Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges' survey on equivalency practices in California community colleges has revealed current information about how equivalencies to the faculty minimum qualifications for hire are determined locally;

Whereas, The System Office has issued a legal opinion stating that districts are not authorized to grant single-course equivalencies since the publication of the paper Equivalency to the Minimum Qualifications (Spring 1999); and

Whereas, There is a need for faculty and other members of college communities to understand recent trends, legal requirements, and Academic Senate recommendations of good practice in granting equivalencies;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges revise the paper Equivalency to the Minimum Qualifications (Spring 1999). MSC Disposition: Local Senates