Revising the 50% Law

Resolution Number
State and Legislative Issues

Add a fourth whereas:

Whereas, There is clear agreement that the numbers of counselors, librarians, and other non-instructional faculty should not be reduced from present levels, which in many cases are insufficient to provide optimal services to support students and instruction,

Insert a new first resolve:

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges work with the Chancellor’s Office to identify both the current percentage of faculty in the California community colleges who are non-instructional and the number of non-instructional faculty needed to provide adequate services to support students and instruction,

Amend the second resolved:

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges support a change in California Education Code Section 84362(d) to identify non-instructional faculty funding by providing them their own apportionment of at least 4%, an amount at least equal to the higher percentage identified above, separate from the minimum 50% funding for instructional faculty.

MSR Disposition: Referred to the Executive Committee to research the data, craft a new resolution that considers the ideas included in all of the referred resolutions and our previous position in resolution 8.04 S01 and bring back to the Spring 2010 plenary session.