Role of Faculty in Curriculum Process

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Educational Policies

Whereas revisions to Title 5 of the California Administrative Code will require each college to review both its curriculum and its curriculum approval process, and

Whereas the new regulations require that a college curriculum committee either be a committee of the academic senate or be established in a manner that is acceptable to the local academic senate, and

Whereas the newly formed college curriculum committee will receive and review all course and program changes for the college, and

Whereas it is of the utmost importance that every academic senate become involved in the reorganization of the curriculum structure and process as colleges implement the changes mandated by the new regulations,

Resolved that the General Assembly of the Academic Senate adopt the report "The Role of Faculty in the Curriculum Process" to serve as the guide for colleges as they revise the curriculum review process to meet the intent of the revised regulations, and (through amendment)

Resolved that in the model curriculum manual section of the report (page 5, VII), program evaluation be referenced as one of the concerns of the curriculum committee.