Senate and Technology

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Status Report

The document entitled "Guidelines on Minimum Standards for College Technology" was adopted at Spring 2000 plenary session. The adoption resolution also recommended its incorporation into aspects of the Technology II plan. Other related issues were covered in the Educational Policies Fall 1999 paper "Academic Freedom, Privacy, Copyright and Fair Use in a Technological World" and Spring 2000 paper "Technology in Education: A Summary of Practical Policy and Workload Language."

Whereas modern technology could be a powerful tool for local senates in fulfilling their Title 5 responsibilities, and

Whereas there is State money to enhance local senate use of technology, but often faculty cannot access this money to meet senate needs, and

Whereas the extent of technology available at each college is not known,

Resolved that the Academic Senate direct the Executive Committee to survey local senates regarding technology availability at each college such as e-mail, Internet courses, WebPages, etc., and

Resolved that the Academic Senate direct the Executive Committee to develop a position paper on local senates and technology, such paper to include but not be limited to, a discussion of basic technology needs of community college faculty and local senates and sources of funding to meet these needs, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate recommend to the Executive Committee that the technology paper include, perhaps in stages of necessary acquisition, minimum requirements for technology at each campus, guidelines for web pages, their creation and what to include on them, and other technology information and models for local senate use.