Senate Appointment Process

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Standards and Practices Committee
Academic Senate
Status Report

The criteria was developed, approved by the Executive Committee, and circulatedat the 2004 Spring Session. The newcriteria can be found on the Senate website.

Whereas, The Academic Senate, at its Spring 2001 Plenary Session, approved Resolution 1.03 S01;

Whereas, The Academic Senate is a progressive, democratic institution that strives to develop policies and processes that are then submitted to the body as a whole to be voted on;

Whereas, The Academic Senate process for selection and approval to serve on a Senate committee must be made as clear as possible to the membership at large per resolution 1.03 S01; and

Whereas, Despite Resolution 1.03 S01, there remains a tremendous confusion among members at large about how, when, and who decides who serves on committees;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges reaffirm its support for the mandate in Resolution 1.03S01, adopted at the Spring 2001 Plenary Session, and ask that the criteria and process by which committee appointments are made and confirmed be published and available to Senate members at large by the Spring 2004 plenary session.