Shared Governance: Barriers to Participation

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Relations with Local Senates Committee
General Concerns
Seek to determine, through research and survey, what impact compressed calendars and additional terms per year are having upon faculty participation in state, district and college governance and produce an analysis of this process.
Status Report

The committee created & administered a survey in '06, and reported findings at Spr `06 Session and in a Rostrum article.

Whereas, There has been a gradual systemwide trend to both compress academic calendars and add additional terms per year in order to address fiscal shortages, which, in effect, concentrates the instructional workload into shorter time periods, thereby leaving many faculty with less time for governance activities; and

Whereas, This workload shift may be initially difficult to identify on the local level, and any local efforts to study or correct this have little or no effect upon the systemwide impact of these trends;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges, through research and survey, seek to determine what impact compressed calendars and additional terms per year are having upon faculty participation in state, district and college governance and produce an analysis of this process.MSC Disposition: Local Senates