Standard Assessment Instruments: Title 5 Change

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Status Report

This resolution was taken to the Consultation Council and then referred to the Matriculation Assessment Workgroup. At a meeting in February of 1997 the Workgroup developed a proposal to incorporate the proposed "critical mass" concept into the policy manual rather than into Title 5. (The policy manual is "Standards, Policies and Procedures for the Evaluation of Assessment Instruments Used in the California Community Colleges.") The proposal was approved by the Executive Committee and will be finalized by the Assessment Workgroup at its June 1997 meeting.

Whereas resolution l8.1 S96 called for the Academic Senate to request of the Chancellor's Office that assessment instruments other than those in math, English, and ESL be added to the approved list upon validation by five local colleges, and

Whereas no action has ensued subsequent to this request,

Resolved that the Academic Senate recommend to the Board of Governors the following change (underlined below) to Title 5 Section 55524.
Assessment. The Chancellor shall establish and update, at least annually, a list of approved assessment instruments and guidelines for their use by community college districts. These guidelines shall identify modifications of an assessment instrument or the procedures for its use which may be made in order to provide special accommodations required by Section 55522 without separate approval by the Chancellor. Such guidelines shall also describe the procedure by which districts may seek to have assessments approved and added to the list. The Chancellor shall ensure that all assessment instruments included on the list minimize or eliminate cultural or linguistic bias; and are formed on the appropriate populations. With the exception of assessment instruments in communication or computation skills, demonstration of minimal cultural and linguistic bias and appropriate forming of a specific assessment instrument at five (5) or more colleges shall constitute sufficient basis for inclusion on the Chancellor's Office approved list. For assessment instruments in communication or computation skills the Chancellor shall additionally ensure that such assessment instruments yield valid and reliable information, identify the learning needs of students, make efficient use of student and staff time, and are otherwise consistent with the educational and psychological testing standards of the American Educational Research association, the American Psychological Association, and the National Council on Measurement in Education.

Resolved that the Academic Senate recommend to the Chancellor that this subject be declared an academic and professional matter for the purposes of developing guidelines for implementation of this regulation change.