Student Fees

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Students Preparation and Success
Status Report

The Board of Governors supported an increase to $15 per unit and was overridden by the Legislature, which supported an $18 per unit fee. The Academic Senate has been consistent in its opposition to any fee increases

Whereas, The California Master Plan for Education recommendations 50, 50.1 and 50.2 call for the Legislature and Governor to formally study the possibility of increasing student fees at California community colleges;

Whereas, California Community Colleges have historically opposed any recommendations to increase student fees;

Whereas, These increased fees do not become part of the general fund of the local college, but instead go directly into the state general fund as supplemental monies to the overall state budget; and

Whereas, A Chancellor's Office report has shown that increased fees reduce student access, especially for those students from underrepresented groups;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate continue to oppose any California Community College student fee increases, either mandated by the state or locally imposed.
MSCDisposition:Board of Governors, Chancellor's Office, Local Senates