Student Material Fee

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Students Preparation and Success
Found Not Feasible
Status Report

Given the cuts to staff in the Chancellor's Office and the lack of resources to conduct a compliance review, this is not feasible.

Whereas the Academic Senate adopted resolutions 20.10 (Fall 94) and 1.2 (Spring 95) urging its Executive Committee to conduct a survey of student material fees as a result of concerns raised by CalSACC and Saddleback College Student Body relating to instructional and student representation fees, and

Whereas the Chancellor's Office provided all colleges with several legal opinions (M 94-27) and (M 96-28) on community college student fees in response to the issues raised, as well as specific procedures for challenging alleged illegal student fees, and

Whereas the Academic Senate Educational Policies Committee in reviewing the resolutions for disposition determined that the actions taken by the Chancellor's Office addressed the concerns and provided general safeguards,

Resolved that the Academic Senate urge the Chancellor's staff to continue monitoring the enforcement of student fees and conduct a follow-up study of compliance as deemed appropriate.