Support for Academic Senate Participation in CCC Assess Project

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Consultation with the California Community College Chancellor's Office
Status Report

The Academic Senate appointed all faculty to participate on the CCC Assess Task Force, which met several times during the year. Ultimately, the work of the task force was halted because of funding issues.

Whereas, Assembly Bill 2682 (Block, February 19, 2010) “Community colleges: student assessments: pilot project ” formalizes what has generally been referred to as “CCC Assess,” which comprises the establishment of a data warehouse that would allow for centralized access to K-14 student testing data and transcripts, of potentially great usefulness in the application of multiple measures to placement decisions, and the establishment of contracts for systemwide assessment for placement testing options in the areas of English, reading, mathematics, and English as a Second Language that would reduce the cost of testing for participating colleges;

Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges expressed support for the concepts outlined for the CCC Assess project in Resolution 9.07 S09;

Whereas, CCC Assess has already received $500,000 in grant funding along with the strong support of representatives of K-12, the Legislative Analyst's Office, and Chancellor Jack Scott; and

Whereas, The Academic Senate has been asked to coordinate the processes by which faculty will take the primary role in both the development of criteria for test selection and in the selection of the tests themselves, and the timeline for the project is extremely aggressive, with development of the data warehouse structure and determination of the test vendors to be completed by November 2010;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges participate fully in the CCC Assess project pursuant to its authority in academic and professional matters in order to ensure that faculty remain in charge of the process by which state contracts with assessment test vendors are established for this project;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges keep faculty regularly apprised of the progress of the CCC Assess project, including throughout the summer, owing to the aggressive timeline for the project; and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges maintain as its philosophy throughout the CCC Assess process support for the value of multiple measures in placement decisions, local validation of cut scores, and local control of curriculum.

MSC Disposition: Local Senates, Chancellor’s Office