Support of IMPAC

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Articulation and Transfer
Status Report

The IMPAC Project has recently received funding. The President, the Executive Director and other Academic Senate representatives have urged faculty to participate in the statewide and regional meetings.

Whereas transfer and articulation are priorities as determined by Intersegmental Committee of Academic Senates and the Board of Governors, and

Whereas there is a need for a system of seamless transfer in the majors, and

Whereas the major core curriculum must serve as a basis of articulation agreements emphasizing the commonalities of that core, and

Whereas the attainment of these agreements require faculty-to-faculty dialogues and obligations of existing articulation systems (e.g., ASSIST and CAN),

Resolved that the Academic Senate recommend that local senates support the Intersegmental Major Preparation Articulated Curriculum Project (IMPAC) and encourage their faculty to participate in statewide and regional meetings.