Support for Sabbatical Leave

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Educational Policies Committee
Professional Standards
Status Report

The paper, Sabbaticals, Benefiting Faculty, the Institution, and Students adopted S07.

Whereas, Trustees and administrators at some of California's community colleges have unilaterally suspended or eliminated sabbatical leave processes;

Whereas, Faculty recognize their ethical and professional responsibility to currency and improvement of their discipline;

Whereas, The suspension or elimination of sabbatical rights is part of an ongoing trend of shifting resources from academic to non-academic interests; and

Whereas, The Education Code states that professional development is a vital part of every faculty member's responsibility, and the state is no longer directly funding professional development;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges urge local senates to insist that their right to sabbatical leaves be retained and supported;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges encourage local senates to collaborate with bargaining units regarding support and retention of local sabbatical rights; and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges author a best practices document that assists local faculty in their efforts to retain sabbatical rights by developing a process that focuses on the academic integrity, merit, and institutional benefit of sabbaticals. MSC Disposition: Local Senates