Technology Funding

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Budget and Finance
Status Report

Breakoutheld and article published in March 2004 Rostrum. Have requested easily accessed information to be posted onDataMart as well.

Whereas, Students have the right to expect that their community college education will include appropriate use of current technology;

Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges supports the Technology II Plan to fund technology hardware, software, support, and training at the local college level in a manner separate from regular apportionment; and

Whereas, The nationally recognized Gartner Group consultants recommended a Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) model that is now under attack in the Governor's January budget proposal;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate continue to support the appropriate use of technology to promote student access and success;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate oppose the proposed cuts in technology funding directed to local colleges, as proposed in the Governor's January budget; and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate work to find a suitable funding source and mechanism to implement the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) model at the local college level, as described in the Technology II Plan.