Technology Support Plans

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Technology Committee
Status Report

There have been several papers written about these subjects. These include two papers, Guidelines on Minimum Technology Standards, 2000, and Impact of Technology on Student Success, 2003.

Whereas the growth of technology is occurring at an astounding rate, and this technology has profound effects on teaching in classrooms, classroom presentations, and educational programs, and

Whereas the true cost of technology to a campus includes the ongoing cost of technical support, and

Whereas the Internet has become an essential educational tool for faculty and students in schools from kindergarten through high school and universities, and

Whereas community college faculty and students need Internet access as well;

Resolved that the Academic Senate direct the Executive Committee to prepare a paper on how to develop a local college plan for technology support for faculty access to the Internet and for obtaining appropriate Internet access for students in the classrooms, labs, and libraries.