Title 5 Regulations and Handbook Language Proposed Changes

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Status Report

The Chancellor has been informed and has reinstated them; the Senate will continue to advocate for local approval. The Curriculum Committee chair is attending Chancellor's Office Task Force on the revision of the Handbook.

Whereas the Chancellor's Office has not reviewed stand-alone courses for some time, having delegated that task to local curriculum committees and local governing boards, and

Whereas the local academic senates, administrators, and governing boards have established and maintained curriculum approval processes that have integrity and are designed to ensure that all approved courses meet appropriate Title 5 Requirements and academic standards, including rigor, and

Whereas locally established policies and practices for accreditation, program review, articulation, and local board approval ensure that the local curriculum review processes are credible and ensure sound academic decision making, and

Whereas the Chancellor's Office has the responsibility to ensure that apportioned dollars are spent in mission-appropriate ways and that colleges do not offer unapproved programs but the Chancellor's Office has not established that there are particular problems in the field relating to curricular and academic integrity, quality, or rigor of stand-alone courses in basic skills, ESL, or guidance and counseling,

Resolved that the Academic Senate oppose the proposed Title 5 Regulations and Handbook language regarding the reinstatement of Chancellor's Office review of stand-alone courses, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate request that the Chancellor's Office recognize and respect the integrity of local curriculum approval processes and continue the practice of delegating review of stand-alone courses to local districts, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate work with the Chancellor's Office to extend the blanket approval of stand-alone courses for an additional two years and to make any statutory and regulatory changes necessary so that ongoing delegation of curriculum approval to local curriculum committees and local boards is ensured.