Update the 2017 Paper The Course Outline of Record: A Curriculum Reference Guide Revisited

Resolution Number

Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges adopted the paper The Course Outline of Record: A Curriculum Reference Guide Revisited [1] in Spring 2017 and has not updated it since;

Whereas, The adoption of California Code of Regulations Title 5 sections 51200 [2] and 51201 [3] in 2020 established a commitment by the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges to ground the educational mission of the California community colleges in the principles of diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) in order “to create a safe, inclusive, and anti-racist environment where individual and group differences are valued and leveraged for our growth and understanding as an educational community”;

Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges has grounded itself in DEIA and antiracist work through the infusion of inclusion, diversity, equity, antiracism and accessibility in its mission statement, vision statement, goals, and strategic directions; and

Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges adopted resolutions 09.01 Fall 2021 [4] and 09.01 Fall 2023 [5] in support of requiring the incorporation of DEIA principles and practices into course outlines of record;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges update the paper The Course Outline of Record: A Curriculum Reference Guide Revisited [6] to reflect the shift to infuse diversity, equity, inclusion, accessibility, and antiracism in curricular matters and present it for adoption at the Fall 2025 Plenary Session.


1. https://www.asccc.org/sites/default/files/COR_0.pdf
2. Title 5 §51200:  https://govt.westlaw.com/calregs/Document/I5F7D7FA34C6911EC93A8000D3A7C4BC3?viewType=FullText&originationContext=documenttoc&transitionType=CategoryPageItem&contextData=(sc.Default)
3. Title 5 §51201: https://govt.westlaw.com/calregs/Document/I5F7FF0A34C6911EC93A8000D3A7C4BC3?viewType=FullText&originationContext=documenttoc&transitionType=CategoryPageItem&contextData=(sc.Default)
4. https://www.asccc.org/resolutions/adding-culturally-responsive-curriculum-equity-mindedness-and-anti-racism-course-outline
5. https://www.asccc.org/resolutions/support-revisions-title-5-include-deia-course-outline-record
6. https://www.asccc.org/sites/default/files/COR_0.pdf