Use of Increased Fees to Establish Different Academic Policies for Students Based on Differing Ability

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Consultation with the California Community College Chancellor's Office
Status Report

This was on the SSTF. It's no longer an issue.

Whereas, The California Community Colleges Task Force on Student Success (established in response to Senate Bill 1143, Liu, 2010) recommends (as of September 30, 2011) raising fees for California students to take courses that are not in their education plan, while still permitting them to enroll in such courses;

Whereas, Students who have the ability to pay higher fees will be able to enroll in courses that are outside their education plan, while students who lack the ability to pay higher fees will be denied access to courses that are outside their education plan;

Whereas, The Academic Senate recognizes that charging higher fees to California residents for courses that are not in their education plan will result in the denial of access to students who lack the ability to pay but not to students who can afford higher fees; and

Whereas, The Academic Senate recognizes that recommendation 4.1 (as of September 30, 2011) of the California Community Colleges Task Force on Student Success will have the same effect as establishing different academic policies for students based on their differing ability to pay fees;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges oppose recommendations that establish different academic policies for students based on their differing abilities to pay.


Appendix A: California Community Colleges Task Force on Student Success