Use of Paraprofessionals to Perform Counseling Activities

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Status Report

Sent letter to senate presidents. Intervened to repair a college situation where Title 5 was violated.

Whereas the delivery of counseling services to students, based on the student development model, which includes the development of student education plans and interpretation of career assessment information, by law is the primary function of counseling faculty who meet the minimum qualifications and,

Whereas the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges adopted (F94) the position paper "The Role of Counseling Faculty in California Community Colleges," which affirms the professional role of counseling faculty,

Resolved that the Academic Senate urge local academic senates to assess the use of paraprofessionals on their campuses that may be in violation of Title 5 Regulations related to counseling functions, and

Resolved that, if the assessment of the use of paraprofessionals reveals violations of Title 5 Regulations on counselor functions, the Academic Senate urge local academic senates to demand that the local board of trustees prohibit any violations of Title 5 Regulations by the use of paraprofessionals as counseling faculty, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate urge local academic senates to determine the extent to which students may be misled in thinking that they are seeing counseling faculty when they see paraprofessionals using such titles as "academic advisor" or "educational advisor."