Use of Technology II Planning Funds

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Status Report

Addressed in part in the paper, " Faculty Role in Planning and Budgeting," accepted in Fall 2001.

Whereas, The Chancellor's Office of the California Community Colleges provided each campus in the 2000-2001 year with $25,000 in order to prepare a technology plan for expenditures requested under the Technology II Plan;

Whereas, The development of a technology plan involves the establishment of educational goals and the incorporation of technology in instructional planning, both academic and professional matters requiring collegial consultation with the local academic senate; and

Whereas, Many districts are hiring consultants to develop district and college technology plans;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate affirm the role of local academic senates through collegial consultation in the development of campus and district technology plans as an academic and professional matter; and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate urge local academic senates to participate in:
the decision whether to hire a technology consultant,
the selection process for any such consultant, and
a collegial process to develop technology plans jointly with any such consultant.