Vocational Education: EdNet

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Career Technical Education

Whereas economic development activities have become an integral part of the Chancellor's Office Economic Development and Vocational Education unit, and

Whereas the Board of Governors should function as the EdNet policy board, and

Whereas the California Community Colleges EdNet functions are to serve as the marketing arm for the community colleges, and

Whereas the EdNet network has been designed to create a system for electronic marketing of economic development opportunities at the federal, state and local level for the 107 community colleges, and

Whereas existing EdNet legislation, AR1497 (1991), AR938 (1993) and other EdNet legislation establish the California Community Colleges' Economic Development Network activities under the existing Statewide California Community Colleges Economic Development Network and under the administration and auspices of the Chancellor, California Community Colleges solely, and

Whereas the EdNet legislation bills only require the Chancellor for the California Community Colleges to review the program and report to the legislature, to the Governor, and to the Board of Governors no later than June, 1994,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges recommend to the Board of Governors and to the legislature that the Board of Governors be established as the policy board for the California Community Colleges EdNet Network in order to approve and review all activities, advisory committees, EdNet legislation and the annual report before it is sent to the legislature and to the Governor, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges recommend to the Board of Governors that they establish an oversight advisory council, which includes faculty representatives named by the Academic Senate, to assist the Board of Governors.
M/S/U DISPOSITION: Executive Committee, Chancellor's Office, Board of Governors, Legislature, CCLC, FACCC, COFO, EdNet, CCCAOE