Adopted Resolutions

Resolution Number Year Session Topic Title Committee Status
06.03 2003 Fall State and Legislative Issues Opposition to Legislation that Erodes Academic Senate Responsibilities Unassigned Ongoing
06.04 2003 Fall State and Legislative Issues Welcome Governor-elect Schwarzenegger President Completed
06.05 2003 Fall State and Legislative Issues Dedicated Funds for Faculty Professional Development President Ongoing
14.01 2008 Fall Grading Policies Academic Dishonesty Unassigned Completed
06.01 2001 Fall State and Legislative Issues Department of Finance President Ongoing
06.02 2001 Fall State and Legislative Issues Access for Students with Disabilities President Ongoing
06.01 1999 Fall State and Legislative Issues Community Service Unassigned Completed
06.02 1999 Fall State and Legislative Issues Corresponding with the Legislature President Completed
06.03 1999 Fall State and Legislative Issues Support Majority-passed Bond Measures President Completed
06.01 2002 Fall State and Legislative Issues Racial Privacy Initiative (Ward Connerly Initiative) Equity and Diversity Action Committee Completed
06.02 2002 Fall State and Legislative Issues Adoption of the Updated Paper, Student Equity: Guidelines for Developing a Plan Executive Director Completed
06.03 2002 Fall State and Legislative Issues Response of the Academic Senate to the Master Plan President Completed
06.04 2002 Fall State and Legislative Issues Position on Master Plan Recommendations 34 through 34.5 Unassigned Completed
06.05 2002 Fall State and Legislative Issues Yes On Proposition 47 President Completed
07.01 1991 Fall Grading Policies Grading Policies Unassigned Assigned
08.01 1992 Fall Grading Policies Plus/Minus Grading Unassigned Assigned
06.01 1995 Fall State and Legislative Issues Legislative Review of Boards Unassigned Assigned
06.01 1998 Fall State and Legislative Issues Support Proposition 5 - Indian Gaming Unassigned Completed
06.02 1998 Fall State and Legislative Issues Opposition to Proposition 9 - The Electric Utility Proposition Unassigned Completed
06.03 1998 Fall State and Legislative Issues Resolution to Support Proposition 1A Unassigned Completed
06.04 1998 Fall State and Legislative Issues Education Code Protections Unassigned Ongoing
06.05 1998 Fall State and Legislative Issues Opposition to Proposition 8 Unassigned Completed
11.01 1993 Fall Grading Policies Grading Standards Unassigned Assigned
06.01 1996 Fall State and Legislative Issues Chancellor's Office Washington Connection Legislative and Advocacy Committee Completed
06.02 1996 Fall State and Legislative Issues Beer and Wine Consumption at Campus Functions Legislative and Advocacy Committee Completed