Academic Senate for California Community Colleges

Rotate Plenary Between Areas

Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges typically schedules elections in Areas B or A;

Whereas, The attendance at plenary sessions and, in particular, for the entire voting day might be larger for delegates living in closer proximity to the plenary location due to more travel flexibility;

Adopt Instant Runoff Voting

Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges (ASCCC) currently uses majority voting for officers and representatives, and in each election, each delegate only votes once per ballot;

Whereas, Elections to the Executive Committee at the ASCCC spring plenary sessions often require multiple runoff elections, extending the time that delegates need to remain present on Saturdays of spring plenaries;

Align Terms of Office in Bylaws to Practice

Whereas, The bylaws of the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges (ASCCC), Section 2, currently indicate the beginning and ending dates for terms of elected members of the Executive Committee as commencing on June 1 and concluding on May 31 of each year;

Whereas, In practice the ASCCC Executive Committee’s last meeting of the academic year occurs between May 25 and June 10 depending on site availability, calendar considerations, and scheduled professional development or consultative meetings; and,

Senator Emeritus Status for Marie Boyd

Whereas, Thebylaws of the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges (ASCCC) include procedures and criteria for conferring the status of Senator Emeritus for the purpose of recognizing the meritorious service of a faculty member upon or after retirement, and Marie Boyd has satisfied those requirements as a faculty member of the California Community Collegessystem who has completed the required five years of significant service to the Academic Senate;

Faculty Role in the California Online Community College

Whereas, The California Online Community College has been established, and Title 5 §51025 established the legislative goal for each California community college to have 75% of instruction by full-time faculty, and California Education Code §75001(b)(5) specifies that the California Online Community College use “flexible hiring processes that emphasize use of part-time and full-time faculty”;

Preventing Duplication of Programs by California Online Community College

Whereas, California Education Code §75001 establishes the California Online Community College, while §75001(d)(1) states that “the college shall create new programs that are not duplicative of programs offered at other local community colleges,” and §75001(a)(3) states that the college will serve “the vocational and educational needs of Californians who are not currently accessing higher education”;

Academic Freedom: ASCCC and Local Senate Recommendations

Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges has long supported and defended, in concept and in practice, the principles and tenets of academic freedom and tenure by adopting numerous resolutions, including Resolution 19.05 S96 to adopt the 1940 American Association of University Professors (AAUP) Statement of Principles on Academic Freedom, Resolution 19.01 S98 to adopt the paper Academic Freedom and Tenure: A Faculty Perspective, and Resolution 13.03 F10 to adopt additional academic freedom policy recommendations in light of the US Supreme Court decision in Garc

Adopt the Guided Pathways Glossary of Terms

Whereas, Resolution 13.02 S18 directed the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges (ASCCC) to create a guided pathways handbook, and Resolution 13.03 S18 directed the ASCCC to conduct research on guided pathways outcomes in California; Whereas, The development of a common language, vocabulary, and a glossary of terms assists colleges with their local implementation of guided pathways; and

Resolution Honoring Rich Hansen

Whereas, Rich Hansen ably served the California Community Colleges for more than two decades as a faculty member in the De Anza mathematics department, the president of the Foothill-De Anza Faculty Association, and the president and treasurer of the Faculty Association of California Community Colleges;
Whereas, Rich Hansen was first and foremost an advocate of students, always reminding those who worked with him that students must be at the center of everything we do;

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