Consultation with the California Community College Chancellor's Office

Incorporating Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Anti-racism, and Accessibility (IDEAA) Principles Explicitly into Title 5, §53200

Whereas, It is stated in California Education Code §70902(b)(7) that “the governing board of each district shall establish procedures to ensure faculty, staff, and students the opportunity to express their opinions at the campus level, and to ensure that these opinions are given every reasonable consideration, and the right of academic senates to assume primary responsibility for making recommendations in the areas of curriculum and academic standards” [1];

Model the Common Course Numbering System and Processes after C-ID

Whereas, The California legislature approved and the governor of California signed AB 1111 (Berman, 2021) [1] Common Course Numbering on October 6, 2021, in which the legislature declared, “C-ID provides a mechanism to identify comparable courses and is a critical step to developing a student-facing common course numbering system” and that requires the California Community College system to “adopt a common course numbering system for all general education requirement courses and transfer pathway courses” [2];

Support Revisions to Lower Division General Education Requirements for California Community College Baccalaureate Degrees

Whereas, Resolution S22 9.03 [1] called for the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges to work with the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office to develop a lower division general education pathway specific to California community colleges baccalaureate degree programs;

Establishing an Effective and Sustainable Zero Textbook Cost Program

Whereas, California Education Code §78052 states that community colleges must “[d]evelop degrees with consideration for sustainability after grant funding is exhausted, including how content is updated and presented,” [1] suggesting that the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office should discourage colleges from employing unsustainable mechanisms to establish degrees such as buying textbooks for students or implementing automatic billing or inclusive access that may cause financial and psychological trauma to students;

Comprehensive Title 5 Revision to Align Associate Degree General Education with the AB 928-required General Education Pathway

Whereas, The Intersegmental Committee of Academic Senates created and recommended the proposed California General Education Transfer Curriculum (CalGETC) [1] that meets the requirements of AB 928 (Berman, 2021) for a “singular lower division general education pathway that meets the academic requirements necessary for transfer admission to both the California State University and University of California”[2] ;

Ensure the Sustainability of the Zero-Textbook-Cost Degree Program

Whereas, California Education Code §78052 requires that districts “Develop degrees with consideration for sustainability after grant funding is exhausted, including how content is updated and presented” and that the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office ensure that “a grant does not result in the development or implementation of duplicate degrees for a subject matter to avoid duplication of effort and ensure the development and implementation of the greatest number of degrees for the benefit of the greatest number of students,” a requirement that can only be met for the Zero-Tex

Public Access for Vision Resource Center Materials

Whereas, The California Community Colleges system has taken a national lead on transforming educational systems through inclusion, equity, diversity, anti-racism and accessibility, creating a repository of supporting materials;

Whereas, The California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office has collected documents, powerpoints, trainings, webinars, and other resources in the Vision Resource Center that are used across the system for professional learning; and

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