Consultation with the California Community College Chancellor's Office

Convene the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office Assessment Committee for Credit English as a Second Language (ESL)

Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges adopted Resolution 07.07 S18 [1] in support of maintaining assessment tests as one of the multiple measures used to place students into credit ESL courses;

Whereas, The California Community College Chancellor’s Office Assessment Committee has not been evaluating assessments since the beginning of the Common Assessment Initiative in 2014;

Whereas, Colleges are prohibited from using any assessment instruments other than those approved by the California Community Colleges Board of Governors; and

Include Credit English as a Second Language (ESL) in the Student Success Metrics (SSM)

Whereas, Memo AA 18-41 [1] (July 20, 2018) jointly issued by the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office (CCCCO) and the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges (ASCCC) strongly encouraged colleges to “[e]xplore credit ESL pathways to transfer-level English that allow for credit ESL faculty to … create a credit ESL course that is the equivalent of transfer-level English,” and Memo AA 19-20 [2] (April 18, 2019) jointly issued by the CCCCO and ASCCC likewise strongly encouraged colleges to explore the “[c]reation of a credit ESL course

Continued Advocacy for Substantive Participatory Governance with the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office

Whereas, The principle of participatory governance in the California Community Colleges has long been established in practice and codified in law (California Education Code §70901 et seq.), which provides the framework whereby California’s community colleges actively practice and teach democracy;

Academic Senate Involvement in Online Teaching Conference Planning

Whereas, The Online Teaching Conference is organized and coordinated by California Community Colleges TechConnect;

Whereas, Program development for the Online Teaching Conference, “a non-profit event funded under a California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office grant,” [1] should involve California community college faculty and staff who are engaged in teaching online;

Accelerate Review of ADT Modifications

Whereas, Associate Degrees for Transfer (ADTs) require review by the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office to ensure compliance with the designed Transfer Model Curriculum (TMC) for each degree; and

Whereas, Colleges should be able to make minor modifications to an ADT that do not deviate from the relevant TMC and do not significantly alter the degree, such as the addition of courses, the removal of courses, and other course-related modifications, without undue scrutiny by the Chancellor’s Office;

Request the Board of Governors Undergo Collegiality in Action Training

Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges (ASCCC) passed Resolution 07.03 F18 “Improving Participatory Governance with the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges” during the ASCCC 2018 Fall Plenary Session, which directed action to improve collegial consultation;

Whereas, The Chancellor’s Office has taken concrete steps to improve its relations with ASCCC in several areas, including scheduling a Collegiality in Action training for the Chancellor’s Office staff during summer 2019;

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