Accreditation Self-Study Faculty Chairs

Whereas faculty chairs/co-chairs of accreditation self-studies are still occasionally appointed by college presidents, and

Whereas shared governance makes the local senate the appropriate body to appoint faculty to all college-wide committees,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges urge local senates to appoint faculty chairs and/or co-chairs to accreditation self-study committees, and

Substitute Motion

Whereas the criteria and components required for an acceptable Student Equity Plan have not been adequately distributed, and

Whereas the procedure for the evaluation of Student Equity Plans seems inconsistent and the evaluation criteria used during the procedure were not clearly communicated to community college districts,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges request that the Chancellor's Office clearly delineate the criteria and standards to be used in evaluating the Student Equity Plans, and

Funding Based on Acceptable Student Equity Plans

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges request the Chancellor's Office to require that districts have in place an acceptable Student Equity Plan as part of the minimum conditions to receive State funding, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges request the Chancellor's Office to send a letter to Districts delineating the criteria and the five components for a quality Student Equity Plan.
M/S/R Disposition: Executive Committee

Breakout regarding the Brown Act

Whereas many senate presidents are unaware of what meetings are open and public, and

Whereas many senate presidents are unaware of what documents are public and must be available for inspection,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges urges the Executive Committee to conduct an annual breakout dealing with the Brown Act and the California Open Records law.
M/S/R Disposition: Executive Committee

Senate Resolutions Procedures

Whereas the timeline for submission of resolutions at plenary sessions is changing, and

Whereas the current draft of the Resolution Procedures states "all new resolutions must be submitted...by a time established in the adopted program of events for the plenary session,"

Resolved that clarification be made as to who will establish and "adopt" the time and how the body will be notified of that time.
M/S/R Disposition: Executive Committee

Resolution Procedures

Whereas new Academic Senate for California Community Colleges Session Resolution Procedures are being submitted at the Spring 95 Session for discussion, and

Whereas there is a reference to the determination of urgent resolutions (Section II B and F) that may be forwarded after the posted deadline,

Resolved that clarification as to the process and criteria used to determine the urgent nature of resolutions be stated in the proposed procedures document.
M/S/R Disposition: Executive Committee

Equal Education Opportunities

Whereas, for over twenty years, the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges has consistently recognized that the quality of instruction and of other academic and professional issues has been negatively impacted by the institutional structures that use part-time faculty, reducing student access to faculty availability for professional duties beyond the classroom, and

Whereas these conditions have escalated under the impact of the fiscal shortages over the past few years, and

Election of North and South Representatives

Whereas currently the entire Executive Committee is elected on an at-large basis, and

Whereas electing regional representatives directly by members of that region would allow a greater responsiveness by those representatives to their local senates, and

Whereas regionally elected representatives would be carrying forward regional concerns to the Executive Committee better informing the Executive Committee on local matters,

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