Joint Statement on Community College Governance

Whereas the Board of Governors and the California Community Colleges Trustees (CCCT) have recently forged a joint agreement that delineates roles and reaffirms the current bilateral system of governance, forwarding it to Consultation Council after the fact, and

Whereas the agreement changes previously established practices under the Education Code such as reducing the role of the Board of Governors in compliance monitoring and regulation enforcement unless a district has reached a condition of "severe difficulty," and

FII Grants

Resolved that the Academic Senate reaffirm its position that the Fund for Instructional Improvement (FII) and other Chancellor's Office grants have sign-off by the local academic senate president.

75/25 Calculations

Whereas the current computation on the full-time percentages does not include overload assignment, and

Whereas the instructional support provided to part-time faculty is minimal and rarely ensures adequate student access, and

Whereas instructional support provided to full-time faculty for overload courses is the same as that provided to part-time faculty, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate oppose any attempt to include the overload assignments of full-time faculty in computing the full-time faculty percentage.

Reporting 75/25 Data

Resolved that the Academic Senate reaffirm its position that the Chancellor's Office Management Information Systems (MIS) devise an acceptable method for reporting accurate, up-to-date and accessible 75/25 data using methodology that will be comparable for each college.

AB 420 (Wildman)

Whereas AB 420 (Wildman) seeks to address many part-time faculty issues supported by previous Academic Senate resolutions, and

Whereas AB 420 is supported by faculty organizations statewide, and

Whereas SB 921 (Vasconcellos) seeks to establish a $40 million fund for hiring additional full-time faculty,

Resolved that the Academic Senate support AB 420 (Wildman) as of April 17, 1999,and

Resolved that the Academic Senate support SB 921 (Vasconcellos) as of April 17,1999.

Partnership Sign-off

Resolved that the Academic Senate establish a process whereby local senate presidents sign off on all Partnership for Excellence documents going to the Chancellor's Office, verifying that all policies and procedures relating to academic and professional matters were developed following collegial consultation with the academic senate.

Accountability for Use of Partnership for Excellence Funds

Whereas the Partnership for Excellence is non-categorical funding with which local districts have "flexibility" but the clearly-stated legislative intent is that funds are provided for "program enhancement that will improve student success and make progress toward the system goals," and

Whereas the Partnership for Excellence is supposed to be an accountability approach to educational funding, but the Chancellor's Office reporting mechanism is designed for marketing the program to the Legislature, rather than for audit or accountability purposes, and

Student Success

Whereas indicators of student success for determining future funding of Partnership for Excellence must be fair and accurate, and

Whereas faculty have the most expertise in assessing fair and accurate measures of student success in those courses, and

Whereas student success is clearly an academic and professional matter, and

Whereas systemwide goals for Partnership for Excellence that relate to student performance were not developed in consultation with primary reliance on faculty,

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