Encourage and Support Ongoing Professional Development for Basic Skills Education

Whereas, There is a growing body of theory, research and literature about developmental education and learning assistance;

Whereas, This information is available and disseminated through graduate and certificate programs, professional organizations, conferences and institutes, books and research journals, computer list- serves and newsletters; and

Whereas, Successful developmental programs are staffed by professionals who base their practices on that body of theory, research and literature;

Oral Communication

Whereas, Students who enter the workplace need effective oral communication skills to interview, work in groups, give reports and interact with the public and co-workers;

Whereas, Students who transfer to many universities need to complete an oral communication course to graduate; and

Whereas, Many community colleges do not require oral communication proficiency or coursework for Associate of Arts (AA) or Associate of Science (AS) degrees;

Basic Skills

Whereas, Students who are unprepared for college-level course work represent all ethnic, racial and economic groups and make up at least fifty percent of incoming students;

Whereas, Basic skills programs align instruction in reading, writing, mathematics and study skills technically study skills is not identified as basic skills in Title 5) with counseling and financial aid to create an efficient use of resources; and

Whereas, Many basic skills students declare goals of degree, certificate and/or transfer, according to Chancellor's Office data;

Changing Graduation Requirements for English and Mathematics

Whereas, Numerous community colleges are currently debating changes in their local graduation requirements, and several resolutions introduced and referred by the plenary body at the Fall 2002 session addressed proposed changes to Title 5 English and mathematics requirements for graduation, specifically
9.04recommended the right of local faculty, working through their local senates to determine mathematics requirements that best meet the needs of their students and communities, while


Whereas, California community college students need accurate and timely information for the development of an effective educational plan; and

Whereas, The climate for community college students includes additional stress from the economy, world affairs and reduced resources in the community for mental health, which impact their success;

Support for Campus Child Care

Whereas, The instructional and student service functions of early childhood programs are at risk due to proposed cuts in categorical funds in the Governor's 2003-2004 budget; and

Whereas, These proposed cuts will hurt the most at-risk students, specifically low-income student-parents who rely on child care to attend classes;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges work with the Chancellor's Office to oppose funding cuts that impact campus child care and early childhood education laboratories.

Advocacy for Preserving Teacher and Reading Development Partnership (TRDP) Programs

Whereas, Thirty-three districts/colleges throughout the system have established Teacher and Reading Development Partnership (TRDP) programs to provide clearly articulated transfer-track teacher-preparation programs for students from diverse backgrounds;

Whereas, The original 5-year promise of $10 million per year beginning 2000-01 was reduced in 2002-03 to $5 million by the Governor, and further cuts proposed for 2003-04 will severely and disproportionately reduce funding to the TRDP programs statewide, resulting in their discontinuance in most cases;

Additional Revenue

Whereas, The 1960 Master Plan for Higher Education affirmed that the California community colleges were to be institutions of inclusion for all populations, and the colleges remain today the primary gateway to higher educational opportunities for citizens who are economically and educationally disadvantaged; and

Whereas, Historically, state budget cuts have had a negative impact on the delivery of instruction and services critical to the access and success of all students;

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